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Nurse Line
You can call Aetna and Cigna and speak to a registered nurse at any time. You can get help with health advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week — even on weekends and holidays. There are no limitations on how many times you might use the Nurse Line. Examples include:
  • Recognize urgent and emergency symptoms;
  • Understand medication interactions;
  • Locate in-network doctors and hospitals; and
  • Research treatment costs.
Contact your healthcare company to learn more:
  • Aetna: Call (800) 468-1266 and select the prompt for "24-hour NurseLine."
  • Cigna: Call (800) 790-3086 and select the prompt, "24-Hour Health Information Line."
Virtual Doctor Visits
Virtual doctor visits through Teladoc (an Aetna partner) and MDLive (a Cigna partner) allow you to connect to a doctor in minutes — anytime, anywhere — using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Doctors can make diagnoses, provide advice and call in prescriptions to your local pharmacy. Register before you need care by going to My Health.
The copay for virtual doctor visits is $15 for medical doctors and mental health providers (psychiatrists and psychologists/therapists).