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Cost of Coverage

You and JPMorganChase share the cost of coverage under each of the Medical Plan options. You pay for coverage through payroll contributions with before-tax dollars.
JPMorganChase uses a "flat-dollar subsidy" approach, which means that JPMorganChase will generally contribute the same dollar amount (or "subsidy") to the cost of your coverage regardless of which Medical Plan option you choose.
The amount you pay via payroll contributions depends on several factors:
If you cover your children, you will be charged per child for up to a maximum of three children, regardless of how many additional children you choose to cover (you can cover all of your children, as long as they meet eligibility requirements).
The amount you pay does not differ depending on whether you choose Aetna or Cigna as your healthcare company.
You will have a higher cost for coverage if your Total Annual Cash Compensation (TACC) is higher, you elect Plan Option 1, you cover more dependents, you and/or your covered spouse/domestic partner are a tobacco user, you and/or your covered spouse/domestic partner do not complete the wellness screening and wellness assessment and/or costs in your geographic area are higher than they are elsewhere.