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Coordination with Medicare
Medicare is a national health insurance program administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It generally provides coverage for Americans ages 65 and older. It also provides coverage to younger people with a qualifying disability. As long as you remain an active employee with JPMorgan Chase, your JPMorgan Chase coverage will be primary, and any Medicare coverage for you will be secondary. Additionally, any covered dependents who become eligible for Medicare, while you remain an active employee, will also have JPMorgan Chase coverage as primary.
  • While you remain an active JPMorgan Chase employee, the JPMorgan Chase health care plans will be primary for you and your covered dependents unless those dependents have primary coverage elsewhere. If your covered dependents have primary coverage elsewhere, those claims will be considered by that primary coverage first, JPMC coverage will be secondary and Medicare will consider claims for those health care expenses tertiary (third) Even if you work past age 65 and you and/or a covered spouse/domestic partner enroll in Medicare, the JPMorgan Chase plans will consider claims for your health care expenses before Medicare while you are an active employee.
  • When you are no longer an active JPMC employee or are receiving LTD benefits, Medicare coverage will be primary for the Medicare enrolled individual. JPMC coverage will be terminated upon Medicare eligibility and coverage in Medicare plans is available from Via Benefits. Please see "You Work Past Age 65" in the What Happens If ... section.