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Contacting the Claims Administrators: Plans Not Subject to ERISA

Plans that are not subject to ERISA include the Dependent Care Spending Account, Transportation Spending Accounts, and Group Personal Excess Liability Insurance Plan.
Although these plans are not subject to the claims process described under "Claiming Benefits: Plans Subject to ERISA", you can always contact the claims administrator listed for each plan with questions about the eligibility of an expense for reimbursement, payment of benefits, or denial of plan benefits. For claims relating to questions of eligibility for benefits under the plans and how the plans operate, please see "Claims Related to Eligibility to Participate in the Plans and Plan Operations."
For questions related to plan interpretation, filing initial claim, benefit provisions under the plan, payment of benefits, or denial of benefits, please refer to the appropriate claims administrator for the benefit plan, as listed below.
Dependent Care Spending Accounts
Refer to the same provider that you selected for your Medical Plan coverage. If you do not enroll in the Medical Plan coverage, or enroll with Centivo, contact Cigna.
P.O. Box 188061
Chattanooga, TN 37422-8061
(800) 790-3086
Inspira Financial (if enrolled with Aetna)
Inspira Financial
P.O. Box 2495
Omaha, NE 68103
Fax: (888) 238-3539
(888) 678-8242 (TTY: 711)
Transportation Spending Accounts
Health Equity
P.O. Box 14053
Lexington, KY 40511
(877) 924-3967
Group Personal Excess Liability Insurance Plan
Marsh McLennan Agency Private Client Services
7201 W. Lake Mead #400
Las Vegas, NV 89128
(855) 426-1380