ePayment Plus & Wire Transfers
Cigna Healthcare International offers ePayment Plus (electronic fund transfer (EFT) and international ACH). In most cases, ePayment Plus provides the added feature of depositing funds to your bank account without incurring bank service charges. ePayment Plus also includes automatic notification of payments and an explanation of benefits statement as confirmation.
Employees with a bank account in the following countries may elect to receive claim reimbursements electronically (deposited in local currency):
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Ireland
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Singapore
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
- United States
You can quickly and easily enroll in ePayment Plus on the Cigna Envoy website at www.cignaenvoy.com.
New countries may be added from time to time. If your bank is not located in one of these countries, you can receive your claims payments by wire transfer.