Per Person Rule for Out-of-Pocket Maximums
For the out-of-pocket maximums, the "per person" rule allows the employee or any covered dependent(s) (e.g., spouse/domestic partner or child) to reach an individual out-of-pocket maximum, after which the out-of-pocket maximum is satisfied for the year for that person. Covered individuals who have not met the out-of-pocket maximum may combine to meet the remainder of the out-of-pocket maximum for that particular coverage level. If no one person has met the individual out-of- pocket maximum, the expenses of all covered individuals can combine to meet the out-of-pocket maximum for that coverage level.
Note: There are separate safety nets for in-network and out-of-network services. The out-of-network, out-of-pocket maximum calculation does not include amounts above reasonable and customary (R&C) charges if you use out-of-network providers. An R&C limit is based on data in your area and determined to be an appropriate fee for a specific medical service.
Example: John is enrolled in Plan Option 1, has TACC less than $100,000 and is covering his spouse and two children. John's spouse, Mary, has a complicated surgery and is in an in-network hospital, with total charges of $50,000. The out-of-pocket expenses related to Mary will be $1,250 — the individual out-of-pocket maximum — since her total deductible and coinsurance payments for her services exceed the individual out-of-pocket maximum. Now that Mary has paid $1,250 and met the individual out-of-pocket maximum, all other eligible in-network expenses for Mary for the rest of the year will be covered at 100% by the plan. John and his children will continue to pay copays for in-network services they use during the year until:
- any one of them reaches $1,250 out-of-pocket and that individual will then have met their maximum (similar to Mary), or
- all three of them combined spend $2,250 ($3,500 family out-of-pocket maximum less $1,250 spent by Mary.
Note: If your coverage level changes during a calendar year as a result of Qualified Status Change (QSC), your annual deductible and/or annual out-of-pocket maximum increases or decreases accordingly. For example, your deductible will go back to the individual amount if you move from Employee + spouse/domestic partner or Employee + child(ren) to Employee-only during the year as a result of a QSC; please note that when this happens, your Employee only deductible will automatically be credited for any expenses incurred for you as an employee that accumulated towards your deductible.