Covered Benefits: Eligible Preventive Care
Plan's Copayment/Coinsurance for In-Network Care
Plan's Coinsurance for Out-of-Network Care*
Eligible Preventive Care**
Please Note: Preventive care services will be covered at 100% only if they are performed by an in-network provider and are coded as preventive. Before receiving any service, you should check with your physician to be sure the procedure is considered, and will be submitted to your healthcare company, as preventive medical care rather than as a diagnostic service. Additional lab or other services performed during a preventive care visit that are not considered preventive in nature may not be free and/or covered.
Immunizations (routine adult and child; includes immunizations related to travel)
Colon Cancer Screenings:
Double-contrast barium enema (DCBE): every 5 years*** Requires precertification |
Routine Gynecological Exams and Cervical Cancer Screenings (Pap Smears)
Routine Mammography Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, and Digital Rectal Exam
Routine Annual Physical Exams
Routine Screenings Provided During Pregnancy
(For example, gestational diabetes and bacteriuria screenings, as well as items such as certain breast pumps)
Other Services
Durable Medical Equipment and Prosthetics
(Includes certain**** glucose monitors, insulin pumps and related pump supplies)
Prescription Drugs
Please see "The Prescription Drug Plan."
Standard Radiology
20% after deductible
* Covered out-of-network expenses are subject to reasonable and customary (R&C) charges. You are responsible for paying any charges above the R&C amount.
** Your healthcare company determines which preventive care services performed by an in-network provider are free based on guidelines and clinical recommendations for the general population developed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other nationally recognized sources. JPMorganChase does not make this determination. Age and frequency limits may apply. Additionally, based on the medical finding resulting from preventive care, services may no longer be considered preventive and thus subject to member cost share. For a list of preventive services go to your healthcare company's website accessible via My Health > My Medical Plan Website.
*** Follow-up colonoscopy is covered as preventive at 100% in-network following a positive result.
**** Some glucose monitors, and insulin pumps are available under the prescription drug plan. For information on which insulin pumps are covered under the Medical and/or prescription drug plan, please contact the appropriate provider (Aetna/Cigna and/or CVS Caremark).