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Changing Your Coverage Midyear
You may be permitted to change your elections before the next Annual Benefits Enrollment if you have a Qualified Status Change (QSC).
You need to enroll and/or add your eligible dependents within 31 days of the qualifying event (90 days if the qualifying event is the birth or adoption of a child) for benefits to be effective on the date of the event. Please Note: See "Coverage if You Do Not Enroll" for details on what happens if you miss the 31-day enrollment period. (You will have 90 days from the QSC to add any newly eligible dependents should that dependent pass away within this 90-day period; please contact 1-844-ASK-JPMC if this situation applies to you.)
You can make these elections through the Benefits Web Center via the Expatriate Health Benefits Resources page on the JPMC intranet or through 1-844-ASK-JPMC.
QSCs for eligible dependents under the Expatriate Medical Plan and/or Expatriate Dental Plans are listed in the following table.
Medical Plan Changes
You get married
Add coverage for yourself and/or your eligible dependents
You enter into a domestic partner relationship or civil union
Add coverage for yourself, your domestic partner, and any eligible children.
You have, adopt, or obtain legal guardianship of a child*
Add coverage for yourself and/or your eligible dependents
You and/or your covered dependents gain other benefits coverage*
Cancel coverage for yourself and/or your covered dependents who have gained other coverage
You and/or your eligible dependents lose other benefits coverage*
Add coverage for yourself and/or your eligible dependents who have lost other coverage
You get legally separated or divorced
Cancel coverage for your former spouse and/or children who are no longer eligible
You end a domestic partner relationship or civil union
Cancel coverage for your domestic partner and your domestic partner's eligible children who are no longer eligible
A child is no longer eligible*
Cancel coverage for your child
A covered family member dies*
Cancel coverage for your deceased dependent and any children who are no longer eligible
* Also applies to a domestic partner relationship.