Eligible Dependents
In addition to covering yourself under the Plans, you can also cover your eligible dependents, but only under the same plans you choose for yourself. (Please see "Determining Primary Coverage" and "Coordination with Medicare" in the Plan Administration section for details on coverage provisions for individuals who are eligible for Medicare.)
Your eligible dependents under the Expatriate Medical and Dental Plans — and if you're a U.S. home-based expatriate or an expatriate assigned to the U.S., under certain other plans as referenced in this Guide — include:
- Your spouse or domestic partner (see "Domestic Partners" for more information); and
- Your and/or your spouse's/domestic partner's children up to the last day of the month in which they reach age 26, regardless of student or marital status, financial dependence on parents, residency with parents, or eligibility for coverage under another health plan. To cover your domestic partner's children, you must elect coverage for your domestic partner.
Please Note: You may continue coverage beyond age 26 for an unmarried child who is unable to support himself or herself because of a mental or physical disability that began before age 26 and who depends fully on you for financial support. Contact Cigna Healthcare International for more information before your dependent turns 26.
You are responsible for understanding the dependent eligibility rules and abiding by them. Each year during Annual Benefits Enrollment, you must review your covered dependents and confirm that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements. It is important that you review both the dependent eligibility rules and the status of your dependents on file, and make any necessary adjustments during your enrollment period or within 31 days of a Qualified Status Change (QSC), 90 days if the qualifying event is the birth or adoption of a child or if your newly eligible dependent passes away within the 90-day period (for example, gain or loss of other coverage, etc.). JPMorganChase reserves the right to conduct eligibility verifications on existing dependents at any time. If you fail to provide satisfactory proof (when requested) that your covered dependents meet the current eligibility requirements, you could face penalties ranging from loss of coverage for your dependents to termination of employment.
For a listing of acceptable documentation to establish proof of your dependents' eligibility for coverage under the JPMorgan Chase U.S. Benefits Program, please see the Dependent Eligibility Requirements, available via the Expatriate Health Benefits Resources page on the JPMC intranet.
The term "spouse" refers to any person to whom you are legally married as recognized by U.S. federal law.
If JPMorganChase employs your spouse, domestic partner, or child, he or she can be covered as an employee or as your dependent, but not as both. If you want to cover your eligible child(ren), you or your spouse/domestic partner may provide this coverage. If you are covering a spouse/domestic partner who is also a JPMorganChase employee (i.e., company couple), you should update the "dependent is also an employee" indicator on the Dependent Enrollment page of the Benefit Web Center, available via the Expatriate Health Benefits Resources page on the JPMC intranet.
"Children" include the following:
- Your natural children;
- Your stepchildren (children of your current spouse);
- Children of your domestic partner (only if your domestic partner is also enrolled in the Plan);
- If you are covering the child of a domestic partner who is not your tax dependent, imputed income for that child will be applied.
- Your legally adopted children;
- Your foster children;
- Children under your legal guardianship (as established by a court order) whom you claim on your income tax return as dependents or for whom you provide more than 50% of their financial support;
- A child under age 18 who lives with you and 1) for whom adoption proceedings have already begun, and 2) whom you have the legal obligation to support (in whole or in part); and
- Children who are alternate recipients under a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO), as required by law.
In addition to the dependents previously listed, you may also cover a "domestic partner" as an eligible dependent under the Plans if you're not currently covering a spouse. You generally must cover your domestic partner under the same option you select for your own coverage.
For the purposes of the Expatriate Medical and Dental Plans, you and your domestic partner must:
- Be age 18 or older; and
- Not be legally married to, or the domestic partner of, anyone else; and
- Have lived together for at least the last twelve (12) months, are currently living together, and are committed to each other to the same extent as married persons are to each other, except for the traditional marital status and solemnities; and
- Be financially interdependent (share responsibility for household expenses); and
- Not be related to each other in a way that would prohibit legal marriage.
- Have registered as domestic partners pursuant to a domestic partnership ordinance or law of a state or local government, or under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.
You must certify that your domestic partner meets the eligibility rules as defined under the Plan before coverage can begin. You may also be asked to certify that your domestic partner and/or your domestic partner's children qualify as tax dependent(s) as determined by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to avoid any applicable imputed income.
Please Note: If you are covering a domestic partner who is not a tax dependent, imputed income for that domestic partner will be applied. Information about domestic partner coverage and the various tax consequences is available via the Expatriate Health Benefits Resources page on the JPMC intranet.