If You Change Healthcare Companies During Annual Benefits Enrollment
If you change healthcare companies during Annual Benefits Enrollment, you will also be changing the company that administers your MRA and HCSA. The transition of your MRA and HCSA accounts will happen automatically — you do not need to take any action.*
It is important to note that there will be a delay in transferring your unused MRA funds (if any) from the prior year to your MRA at your new healthcare company (generally occurs in the April time frame). This delay is designed to allow your prior healthcare company continued access to funds in your MRA to pay prior year medical and prescription drug claims that are processed in the first few months of the new year. However, if this policy creates a financial hardship, you may contact your new healthcare company to accelerate the transition of your MRA/HCSA account, which will allow you to access your prior year unused MRA funds more quickly.
* Any balance of up to $640 remaining in your Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) at the end of the 2024 calendar year will be automatically carried over to the next year. Any amount over $640 in your HCSA, after processing claims for the 2024 year, will be forfeited. If you were previously enrolled in the HCSA and decide not to participate in 2025, any unused amounts under $25 will be forfeited. If you do not choose to contribute to the HCSA in a given plan year, any balance you carried over from a prior year will be forfeited at the end of the year that they elected not to contribute if you do not use it. If you do not enroll in the JPMorgan Chase Medical Plan your balance will be managed by Cigna.