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If You See an In-Network Provider
When you see an in-network provider for a medical service, you will generally not be asked to pay at the point of service. Providers will typically submit a claim to your healthcare company, Aetna or Cigna, using the information from your ID card. Your claim for medical care will be processed as follows.
Using the Automatic Claim Payment Method
When you use the automatic claim payment method, your healthcare company will automatically use your MRA funds first, then HCSA funds, to pay for your portion of eligible medical and prescription drug expenses.
You generally will not be asked to pay anything during a visit to an in-network provider. Your healthcare company will pay the provider first from the Plan, then for your share of the cost using your MRA funds. Once your MRA funds are depleted, your HCSA funds (if applicable) will be used to pay the remaining balance. This will happen automatically through your healthcare company (either Aetna or Cigna). Any bill you receive from your provider will be after your MRA funds and any available HCSA funds are applied. You should pay the bill after comparing it to the statement you receive from your healthcare company.
For covered prescription drug expenses, the Plan will pay for its portion of the cost at the time of purchase, and your MRA funds will automatically be applied to your portion of the cost. Once your MRA funds are depleted, your HCSA funds (if applicable) will be applied, as described above. The pharmacy will tell you what amount, if any, you will need to pay.
Using the Debit Card Payment Method
With the debit card payment method, you have the option of using your debit card or paying out-of-pocket for covered expenses. Keep in mind that you will need to keep your receipts and be prepared to substantiate any debit card claims, as required by the IRS. The same debit card accesses funds from both your MRA and HCSA, if applicable.
When you have a covered medical expense, your in-network provider will generally not require payment at the time of service.
After your medical claim is processed by your healthcare company or at the time of a prescription drug purchase, you can either pay with your debit card or pay out-of-pocket. You will have to pay out-of-pocket if your provider does not accept the debit card as a form of payment. When you use your debit card, your MRA funds will be used first. Once your MRA funds are depleted, your HCSA (if applicable) will then be applied. If you pay using personal funds and later decide you wish to be reimbursed from your MRA or HCSA, you must submit a paper claim form (via mail or fax) or an online claim form for reimbursement from your MRA or HCSA. The form can be found on your healthcare company's website (Aetna or Cigna) or on My Health > Medical, Rx, MRA & Spending Accounts > Claims and Other Forms.