decorative photograph
After you meet the applicable deductible, the Expatriate Dental Plan will pay a percentage of in-network dentists' negotiated fees, or, for out-of-network expenses, a percentage of the reasonable and customary (R&C) charges for eligible expenses (see "Defined Terms" for the definition of "Reasonable and Customary"). The exact percentage depends on the type of care you receive. You'll pay the remaining amount as coinsurance, plus any amounts above R&C charges. Please see the chart below for the applicable coinsurance rate. The coinsurance amount does not vary based on whether or not the care is received inside or outside of the United States.
Pre-Determination of Benefits
If you anticipate that charges will be more than $300 for a proposed treatment, a dental consultant can review the proposed treatment before work begins, and Cigna Healthcare International will inform you and your dentist of the amount of the covered charges.
Preventive Care
Care Received
Oral exams
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum two per calendar year
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum one per calendar year under age 19
Prophylaxis (cleaning)
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum two per calendar year
Full-mouth X-ray
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum one every 60 months
Bitewing X-ray
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum one per calendar year*
  • 100% coinsurance
  • Maximum two treatments per tooth (permanent molars only) per lifetime under age 19
* Two per calendar year for children up to age 19.
Basic Restorative Care
Basic restorative care includes fillings, extractions, periodontics, oral surgery, anesthesia, including non-intravenous conscious sedation when medically necessary.
Care Received
Basic restorative
75% after deductible
Major Restorative Care
Major restorative care includes dentures, crowns, onlays, tooth implants, bridges, root canal.
Care Received
Major restorative
50% after deductible
Orthodontia care is only covered for your covered children who are under age 19. Please see "Orthodontic Covered Services" for additional information.
Care Received
Maximum Benefits
Care Received
Maximum Benefit
Combined for preventive and restorative care
Annual maximum of $2,000
For orthodontia
Lifetime per-person maximum of $2,500