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When Coverage Ends
Generally, your coverage ends on your last day of active employment. Other reasons your coverage ends are when:
  • You stop paying applicable premiums; or
  • After you have been on an approved Long-Term Disability (LTD) leave and receiving LTD benefits under the LTD Plan for 24 months.
  • You no longer meet the eligibility requirements of the Group Legal Services Plan (unless you are temporarily approved for additional leave under another JPMorganChase Policy, such as the Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy);
  • The Group Legal Services Plan is discontinued;
  • You pass away.
Coverage for you, your spouse and dependents ends the earlier of when your coverage ends or when your dependents no longer meet the eligibility requirements described in "Your Eligible Dependents" in the Healthcare Participation section of this Guide. For your spouse/domestic partner, this means when you pass away, divorce, or end your relationship. For a child, this means when you pass away or the last day of the month in which he or she turns age 26.
  • Please Note: You may continue coverage beyond age 26 for an unmarried child who is not capable of supporting himself or herself due to a mental or physical disability that began before the age limits described above and who is fully dependent on you for financial support.
  • Coverage for a domestic partner ends when the domestic partner ceases to meet the eligibility requirements described in "Your Eligible Dependents" in the Medical Plan section of this Guide.
Continuing Coverage After It Ends
You have the option to continue coverage by enrolling in an Individual Legal Plan by visting