How the PDP Option Pays Benefits
Please Note: The way benefits are paid depends on whether you receive your care in-network or out-of-network. The following chart shows how the PDP Option pays benefits.
* All in-network percentages above apply to dentists' negotiated fees. All out-of-network percentages apply to reasonable and customary (R&C) charges.
** Two times per calendar year for covered participants under age 19.
*** Please see "Orthodontic Covered Services" for additional information.
**** Reflects a combined amount for both in-network and out-of-network; includes any benefits already applied to any lifetime maximum for orthodontia under the Dental Plan.
Please Note: Wherever benefits are limited to a certain number of visits, combined in-network and out-of-network visits will count toward the benefit limit. For more details on coverage limitations, see "What Is Not Covered."