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What Is Not Covered

While the JPMorgan Chase Vision Plan covers a variety of vision expenses, not all expenses are covered. Benefits paid are subject to certain limitations and maximums set by the claims administrator.
You are responsible for paying the cost of any optional items or services not covered by the Vision Plan.
You are also responsible for payment of any applicable sales tax.
The expenses listed below are not covered. This list of excluded expenses may change at any time.
General Limitations and Exclusions
  • Any costs that exceed the allowance;
  • Special lens coatings or laminations; and
  • Special or designer frames or oversized lenses.
Specific Limitations and Exclusions
  • Orthoptic or vision training, subnormal vision aids, and any associated supplemental testing;
  • Aniseikonic lenses;
  • Medical and/or surgical treatment of the eye, eyes, or supporting structures*;
  • Any eye or vision examination, or any corrective eyewear required by an employer as a condition of employment, and safety eyewear unless specifically covered under the Plan;
  • Services provided as a result of any workers' compensation law, or similar legislation, or required by any governmental agency or program whether federal, state or subdivisions thereof
  • Non-prescription lenses and non-prescription sunglasses (except for 20% discount);
  • Two pairs of glasses in place of bifocals;
  • Refraction, when not provided as part of the comprehensive eye exam;
  • Services rendered after the date an Insured Person ceases to be covered under the Plan, except when Vision Materials ordered before coverage ended are delivered, and the services rendered to the Insured Person are within 31 days from the date of such order;
  • Safety eyewear;
  • Solutions, cleaning products or frame cases;
  • Services or materials provided by any other group benefit plan providing vision care;
  • Certain frames in which the manufacturer imposes a no discount policy; and
  • Lost or broken lenses, frames, glasses or contact lenses will not be replaced except in the next plan year, when vision benefits would again become available.
* Please Note: These expenses may be covered by the JPMorgan Chase Medical Plan. Refer to the Medical Plan section for additional information.
Contact Lens Limitation on Prescription Lenses
If you choose contact lenses, you will not be eligible to receive prescription lenses as a covered benefit during the same calendar year.