Domestic Partners
In addition to the dependents previously listed, you may also cover a "domestic partner" as an eligible dependent under the Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans if you're not currently covering a spouse. You generally must cover your domestic partner under the same option you select for your own coverage.
For the purposes of the Medical, Dental and Vision Plans, you and your domestic partner must:
- Be age 18 or older; and
- Not be legally married to, or the domestic partner of, anyone else; and
- Have lived together for at least the last twelve (12) months prior to coverage effective date, are currently living together, and are committed to each other to the same extent as married persons are to each other, except for the traditional marital status and solemnities; and
- Be financially interdependent (share responsibility for household expenses); and
- Not be related to each other in a way that would prohibit legal marriage.
- Have registered as domestic partners pursuant to a domestic partnership ordinance or law of a state or local government, or under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.
You must certify that your domestic partner meets the eligibility rules as defined under the Plan before coverage can begin. You may also be asked to certify that your domestic partner and/or your domestic partner's children qualify as tax dependent(s) as determined by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to avoid any applicable imputed income.
Please Note: If you are covering a domestic partner who is not a tax dependent, imputed income for that domestic partner will be applied. Information about domestic partner coverage and the various tax consequences can be found on My Health. If your domestic partner becomes your tax dependent you must call 1-844-ASK-JPMC to update their status and remove imputed income prospectively from the date of call.