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When Reimbursements Are Payable
Your Health Care Spending Account can reimburse your eligible healthcare expenses in full up to the total amount you're scheduled to contribute to the account for the year, no matter how much money you have actually contributed to your account at the time you request the reimbursement. Contributions will continue to be deducted from your pay throughout the year, up to the amount of your annual elected contribution. If your employment terminates, the full amount is available for eligible expenses incurred before your termination date.
Your account will only cover expenses for supplies and services that have actually been incurred, not future expected services or expenses. In addition, you may only receive reimbursement for expenses that have not been covered or reimbursed by insurance.
Please see "Managing Your Accounts and Receiving Reimbursements" for details on how to use your Health Care Spending Account to pay for eligible healthcare expenses.