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Dependent Care Spending Account Highlights
How Much You Can Contribute
You generally can contribute between $240 and $5,000 a year on a before-tax basis.
If your spouse contributes to a Dependent Care Spending Account, your combined contributions are limited to $5,000. If you are married but file separate income tax returns, your maximum contribution amount is $2,500 a year.
If you are considered a highly compensated employee for a plan year (based on a prior year's W-2 compensation), your contributions may be subject to certain limits required under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) with respect to before-tax contributions for highly compensated employees. (For instance, if your W-2 compensation for 2024 is $155,000 or more, you're considered a highly compensated employee for the 2025 plan year.)
The maximum before-tax contribution amounts shown here are legal limits for the calendar year 2024. The limits may change periodically subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.
Enrollment Required
To participate, you must actively enroll, either when you first become eligible, during Annual Benefits Enrollment each year, or after a Qualified Status Change.
If You Are Married
If you're married, you can participate in a Dependent Care Spending Account only if your spouse is:
  • Employed, whether part-time, full-time, or self-employed;
  • Looking for gainful employment;
  • A full-time student; or
  • Physically or mentally incapable of self-care and is the dependent for whom you're claiming expenses.
Eligible Expenses
Eligible expenses can include day care provided during the plan year (January 1 – December 31) for:
  • dependent children under age 13 and
  • Any dependent (including your spouse) who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care who lives with you for more than six months out of the year, or who otherwise meets the definition of a dependent under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) definition during the period of coverage.
The care must be provided to enable you and your spouse (if you're married) to work, or to enable your spouse to either look for work or attend school full time.
Special Rules
For the Dependent Care Spending Account, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that your claim include a receipt with the name, address, telephone number and taxpayer identification number (or Social Security number) of the caregiver. Without this information, the care generally won't qualify as an eligible Dependent Care Spending Account expense.
Eligible Tax Dependent(s)
Under the Dependent Care Spending Account, your eligible tax dependents can include:
  • Your spouse,
  • A qualified adult dependent (including a domestic partner or extended family member who is your tax dependent) and
  • Your dependent children under age 13, including the children of your domestic partner if they are your tax dependents.
Receiving Reimbursement
When you incur an eligible expense, you must submit a claim for reimbursement from your account.
You have until March 31 of the year following the plan year to submit eligible claims for reimbursement.
When You Can Be Reimbursed
You can only be reimbursed up to the amount that you have actually contributed to your account by the date of the claim (minus any previous reimbursements), and only for services that you have actually received before claiming reimbursement.
If you have eligible expenses greater than your year-to-date contributions, those expenses can be reimbursed after additional contributions have been added to your account.
No Carry Over
There is no provision for carrying over unused balances in your Dependent Care Spending Account.
Forfeiting Contributions
Any balance not used for eligible expenses incurred during the plan year (January 1 – December 31) will be forfeited after the claims filing deadline (March 31) and may not be used for expenses incurred in the following plan year.
If You Leave JPMorganChase
If you leave JPMorganChase before the end of the year, you can be reimbursed for eligible expenses incurred on or before your termination date, up to the balance in your account — as long as you submit the expenses by the applicable deadline (March 31 of the year after your termination). (Please see "Managing Your Accounts and Receiving Reimbursements" for more information.)
Claims Administrators
Aetna/Inspira and Cigna (depending on which carrier you elected for your Medical Plan coverage) are the claims administrators for the Dependent Care Spending Account for employees enrolled in the JPMorgan Chase Medical Plan.
Cigna is the claims administrator for the Dependent Care Spending Account for employees not enrolled in the JPMorgan Chase Medical Plan.